7 Self Care Tips For Busy People

These self care tips are perfect for when our hectic lives can leave us feeling frazzled!

When was the last time you took some time out for you? And I’m not talking about the 2 minutes you took to drink a cold cup of coffee this morning!

When was the last time you put your phone away and did something for yourself? As a parent, it’s easy to put everyone else first. I know I feel guilty for taking time out for myself at times.

However, I know that if I take time out to recharge then I show up better in many areas of my life, particularly at work and at home.

It's not all about luxurious indulgences either, here are 7 simple and easy to do self care tips to help you get started. These are especially excellent for busy people!

Say No More Often

The first of our self care tips is all about saying no!

Think about it for a second, do you really want to be doing that thing that you have no interest in doing? When you are continually saying yes and putting everyone else first without considering yourself, it can lead to resentment and uncertainty.

You are in control of how you would like to spend your time and energy and be firm with your decision to say no.

Set Boundaries

Yes I know, there is always something to do but self care tips wouldn’t be worth it to your mental health if you didn’t add any boundaries!

To function properly, your mind and body need to totally switch off and rest. You are more important than your to-do list, so prioritize your well-being above some of the little extra tasks you might think you need to do.

Eat Regular Meals

Skipping meals can leave you feeling irritated, sluggish, unable to concentrate and also mess with your metabolism. Take the time to sit and eat your food away from other tasks your body will process and digest the food you have eaten properly. You will also make healthier food choices because you aren’t rushing to get it down.

Stop And Smell The Coffee

Every day try and find a few moments where you simply sit or stand and just connect with the present moment.

This is a quick way to bring a little mindfulness into your day. Mindfulness and meditation are great self care routines to add to your day.

If you drink coffee you could simply take a few deep breathes and smell your coffee brewing. 

Give Your Morning Routine A Makeover

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Rushing out the door with no breakfast and a coffee in hand isn’t an ideal way to start the day.

Have you ever considered taking some time in the morning to do some self care? It doesn’t have to take hours, it can simply be 10 minutes before you get into the busyness of your day.

Yoga, meditation, journaling, sitting in the sun, deep breathing, practicing gratitude, putting your bare feet in the ocean or on the grass all help ground us. This allows us to go into our day feeling calmer and reduce emotional stress.

Put The Phone Away

Our work tends to follow us everywhere these days due to our phones.

Emails, messages, and calls can be a constant even when you leave to office. Or you simply could be scrolling through your socials constantly. Put the phone away. Sometimes it is easier said than done to put the phone away altogether so just limit your screen time. 

Don't Eat Kale If You Don't Like It

Yes, it is a superfood but I personally think it tastes like sh*t! What I am trying to say is don’t compare yourself to everyone else, this just causes stress and overwhelm. Don’t get caught up in the latest fad that everyone is posting about on socials. Everyone is different, do what is right for you to look after yourself. 

Regular self care is an investment in yourself. Be kind to yourself and engage in it every single day, in different ways. You deserve it. 

If these self care tips haven’t hit the mark, reach out

Working with a naturopath allows you to take a holistic look at your overall health and wellbeing. Self care is important but if these tips aren’t working for you then there could be something else that we’re missing. Feel free to BOOK YOUR FREE 10 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL HERE to chat about how I can help you feel better.

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Pam helps women and men prioritise their health and wellbeing. As a naturopath, nutritionist and personal trainer she helps them take control of their mental health and various health conditions through natural medicine and healthy lifestyle changes. She gives realistic ways to help create a happier and healthier life. 

When she isn’t running her business, you can find her on the hockey field or creating some delicious food for her kids.