Posts in Women's Health
Are you tired, moody and putting on weight?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and think why am I so tired? I just slept for 10 hours and I feel like it was only 5 minutes! Its 10 am and you finally feel like your waking up after your third coffee. Then lunchtime rolls around and you are really craving carbs. But if I eat carbs it will go straight to my bum! By 2pm you feel like you could take a nap. Seriously is this day ever going to end as I cant tolerate my co-workers anymore! You drag yourself to do some exercise, eat dinner and try and stop yourself from eating chocolate afterward. Then by the time, 9 pm comes around you get your second wind and feel better than you have all day!

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Food Labels: What They Mean And What To Look Out For

You walk into the supermarket and it is a minefield with the options you are presented with. Ideally, you want to avoid processed and packaged food however sometimes this isn’t realistic. I get it sometimes I like a packet of chips as well! You look at a food label and you think what the hell am I looking at! Here is a breakdown of what it all means and what to look out for. 

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7 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Naturally Boost Energy And Leave Those Sugar-Loaded Alternatives Behind, For Good!

You’re overworked, overstressed, tuckered out and tired because your schedule is jam-packed and because of today’s go-go-go culture. You reach for the red bull, coke, energy shots or copious amounts of coffee to help increase your energy levels. Although these options leave you feeling great for a short period of time as they stimulate adrenaline or spike your blood sugar levels, they actually leave you feeling even more depleted. Here are a few ways you can naturally boost your energy levels. 

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