Posts in Fatigue
Are you tired, moody and putting on weight?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and think why am I so tired? I just slept for 10 hours and I feel like it was only 5 minutes! Its 10 am and you finally feel like your waking up after your third coffee. Then lunchtime rolls around and you are really craving carbs. But if I eat carbs it will go straight to my bum! By 2pm you feel like you could take a nap. Seriously is this day ever going to end as I cant tolerate my co-workers anymore! You drag yourself to do some exercise, eat dinner and try and stop yourself from eating chocolate afterward. Then by the time, 9 pm comes around you get your second wind and feel better than you have all day!

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10 Body Warning Signs That You Are Burning Out

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? You are not alone! Burnout is increasing because the modern pace of life means people are effectively 24/7, not able to slow down, re-energise and recalibrate. Signs of burn out can creep up on you. Here are 10 signs you are heading for burnout and your body is telling you it's time to put on the brakes ASAP.

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